Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Our Newest Roommate.

To be honest, children, I thought one of you (most likely the oldest) would be the first roommate your father and I ever brought into our lives. But that was before I met Maisie.

Meet Maisie.
Ever since she first darted into my peripheral vision while I was typing at my computer, I knew that we lived in the same house. But it was only later that I realized that made us honest-to-goodness roommates.

Maisie & me, just hanging out near a wall.
At first, I thought I would most likely murder Maisie, as I had done to so many of her brethren (sistren?) over the years. But after naming her, murder began to seem increasingly undesirable. So we struck upon a truce: she would kill and devour any insect intruders (or as she calls them, "squatters") she came across, and I would let her live. With us.

Thumbs up for inter-species friendship!

I have no regrets, though since our first full day of friendship, I haven't seen much of Maisie. And honestly, it doesn't bother me excessively. Let's just hope she doesn't try to pull this disappearing shit when the rent's due.

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