Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Doing Laundry.

If you kids are into the media (meaning, if we die young and you are raised by some of your "conformist" relatives who have a television and support commercial movies), you've probably been exposed to some of the hype that surrounds marriage (or rather, weddings). But here's what they don't tell you in the latest MTV series: marriage is about boring things like doing laundry.

Which isn't to say marriage is boring. It's just more boring than, say, a movie about something really interesting. So, on any given evening, your father and I might be building our marriage by doing laundry together, like two regular, boring married people.

Ho, hum. If you think this looks like a good time, you're ready for marriage. Nope? Then go do your homework.

Disclaimer: You'll notice that your father is wearing a pair of my underwear on his head in these pictures. That's because (as you may have heard) doing laundry during marriage is much more intimate than doing laundry when you're single. Does that mean that once you're married, you can only do laundry as a team? Of course not. It's still perfectly okay to do your laundry solo from time to time -- after all, nobody has a perfectly synchronized marriage in which both partners are always in the mood for laundry on the exact same schedule. As long as you communicate about your laundry needs (and, heck, if you need something dry-cleaned, that's fine too!), that's the important thing.

Is anyone else getting sweaty?

1 comment:

  1. Danielle- I think we got a shout-out in this post! We would be the "conformist" relatives with tv!
