Monday, January 3, 2011

A Day Trip to San Franscisco.

As part of our adventure in California (which we have been tentatively calling "The California Holiday Extravaganza Experience"), your father and I took a day trip down to the city of Saint Francis with your Uncle Charles and your Aunties Mary and Christie.

As most day trips do, ours started out in a car:

As you can maybe see, your Auntie Christie was driving, your dad rode shotgun, and the rest of us sat in the back.

We had a number of adventures: First, we ate lunch at a delicious falafel restaurant (very drippy sauce; many napkins needed);

next, I made friends with a dinosaur. What was his name, you ask? I would have inquired if he HADN'T BEEN EXTINCT FOR A MILLION BILLION YEARS.

We ended the day with a Hill Climb, a Park Walk, and a Key Misplacement (resolved before dark, thankfully).

Before we knew it, we were buckling our seatbelts (safety first) for the return trip. (Sigh.) What fun!
So long, San Fransisco -- see you on the "flip side*," I guess...

*I put this in quotation marks because it's slang.

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