Monday, October 11, 2010

Back to Normal

So Sunday was a little exciting for us, which is why we didn't write about it. Your dad and I both had a touch of something (light food poisoning, he thinks), so it was not very "everyday." I did not have my usual number of vegetable servings, to put it mildly. But things were normal again this morning.
These are my legs. Never let a man tell you that your legs look like tree trunks. And if someone tells you that, assume he means saplings and thank him. Also, some Indians worship trees, I think, so there's that aspect. Before I head out I like to do some dynamic stretching, which is the latest fitness trend. These things change all the time, but that's what people think is smart these days.
Also, the arms. Gotta stretch those arms: And, of course, what would fitness be without proper hydration? Work camp, that's what. So this is just the sort of thing that happens around here in the mornings. You'll notice your father is not in these pictures. He's just out of the frame, in bed.


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