Saturday, October 9, 2010

This a Saturday, so it's our weekend life, therefore somewhat atypical.

Hello again, future children. I feel a bit disingenuous starting this blog on a weekend, because weekends are less "everyday" than weekdays, I think you'll agree, but still--they happen, so we document them. This morning, your father and I had some cereal. If it seems like we eat an awful lot of cereal, that's because 1. we do, and 2. it's the end of the week, which means I need to pick up some other food types at the store. Ho, hum. How very quotidian, right?

And after breakfast, we both did some work, because we're still in grad school and weekends don't mean full-blown frivolity. So here we are at our separate (but equal) work stations. You'll notice mine has the American peace flag hanging behind it. Some people would call us "hippies" for that, but mostly we like it because we can sit at the desk and give pretend State of the Union addresses. When I do it, I introduce myself as the "Peace President of the United States." Take that, Obama (but seriously, give the guy a chance, right?).

And, of course, your father has a bad back (maybe it's better by the time you're reading this?) so he sits in his enormous back-support chair to work. He's studying "Executive Power." Ooh. Fancy.

This is a picture of our car. I know it looks terribly old-timey to your future eyes, but actually it's quite modern right now. Your grandparents gave it to us for a wedding gift (thanks, Bill & Laurie!). Its name is Peter Honda. I wanted to name it Jane Honda, but your father was driving so he won. If you don't get that pun, look it up on the future Internet.

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