Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The New Recycling Bins.

Your father has worked out a new system for the recycling bins and he's very excited about it. Like, impromptu dancing in the livingroom excited. Singing along to the radio even though he doesn't know any of the lyrics excited. I can only imagine how embarrassed you all would be if you were alive already and could witness this. I mean, I, too, love recycling, but probably not as much as your father does. Actually, definitely not as much. I wish I knew how to do video on this thing. It's quite a sight to see, with those long legs of his. But, anyway, the main thing is we now have separate bins for the paper products and the plastic/glass (if you can even imagine such extreme luxury).
Oh what a tangled web we weave. A web of recycled goods. And it's actually not tangled any more, thanks to this system. That probably wasn't the best quote to use.

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