Well, it's been a while since we posted anything for you, dear children, but we had good reasons. One of those reasons is that we discovered an unusual tiny ecosystem in our very own kitchen! So fascinated were we by this unexplained phenomenon, so immersed in observing the "everyday lifer" of these creatures, that we completely forgot about you (since you don't exist yet) and our notes to you.
But look -- aren't they dear? They're very graceful and noble-looking creatures.
Notice how long their noses are; your father and I conjectured that they must be very fond of fibbing--how else would such a feature develop?!?
And finally, an example of how cunning they are. This one had hidden in our parsley vase for days before we saw him.
At first, finding the animals in our living space worried us, but then we reasoned that coexisting with a tiny herd of elephants was much preferable to coexisting with roaches or spiders -- right?
The elephant looks so great on your new tablecloth! Superchuet (sp?)