Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Curious Case of the Fancy Beer.

Your father is not usually a fancy man. But every now and then, he'll surprise me with some unexpectedly fancy behavior. This weekend, for example, he was drinking a perfectly un-fancy Schlafly pilsner. Normal, right?

But then he poured it into an absurdly fancy glass and started sipping it like a lady-man.

And I was like, huh?

P.S. What's that bowl of bean dippy-looking stuff in the background? What's boiling on the stove? Check back tomorrow for all the juicy details about the dinner that began in the pantry and ended in tradgedy... the Case of the Ugly Dunklings*.

*Yes, I know standard English calls this food "dumplings." But sometimes I like to switch "dump" and "dunk." It's pretty fun, kids. You should try it.

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