Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Packing / Moving On.

Oh, children. It is with gladness that I announce that we are packing this home you have come to know through the power of blogging and preparing to move north, to a grand city called Chicago, after the ancient and mighty NFL team, the Chicago Bears.

You see, back in the 2012s, professional football was still legal, despite the fact that it regularly gave its players dangerous concussions which led ("inconclusively," according to primitive 2012 science) to brain damage, dementia, and space dementia*.

But anyway, we're leaving this house and moving to an apartment. In Chicago. Where, as of this extremely out-dated date in the past (to your future minds), the National Football League (which is in full swing, though not playing games during this particular season) has a well-loved team.

Oh, and these pictures are what our house looks like when it's partially packed-up.

*Actually, not space dementia. That was something invented in the best movie of all time, Armageddon.

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