Tuesday, June 26, 2012

What Unaccountably Lanky Legs You Have!

Hopefully, you children got your father's legs and general athletic capability and my physical sturdiness and love for bizarre and lonesome activities such as long-distance running. Because with those four characteristics, you would almost certainly get at least a partial scholarship to at least an in-state school, maybe for running or maybe for your minds.

Am I making any sense right now?

What I meant to say was, have you ever stepped back for a minute, ignored the fact that you've known your father your entire lives and so think he's normal looking, and noticed how absurdly lanky his legs are?

I mean, he can bridge entire living-room furniture sets.

 He can comfortably step over small cars.

 He cannot fit under standard-sized tables in pubs.

I just want to make sure you appreciate the sheer length of these things. They come up to my shoulders. Somebody get me a stepladder, okay?

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