Monday, August 27, 2012

A Horse of a Different Color (A Gold Color, to Be Exact).

Last weekend, your Lemieux grandparents came to Chicago to visit us, children. And how did we thank them for the lovely visit? We showed them Chicago's famous tiny gold horses. Luckily, they're stored in the second-floor lobby of the hotel in which your grandparents were staying, so it was convenient.

As is custom, your grandmother listened to the horse's nostrils to hear whether he would breathe a valuable and much-coveted equestrian "AuGury*" into her ear.

Your father, in complete defiance of customs, tried to climb on the horse to ride it. To where, John?! Unless you're trying to get to the second-floor lobby of the Chicago Hilton, it's not really a great mode of transportation.

*That was a chemistry pun, for those of you who like that sort of thing.

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