Monday, August 6, 2012

A Momentous Occasion.

Sometimes, in the course of human events, the stars align in such a way that highly unusual and even extraordinary things happen. Yesterday, two such events took place simultaneously.
The first was that your father deemed a tee-shirt dirty enough, after two all-day painting projects and years of ordinary wear, to actually throw it away. He has has this shirt since, according to sources, only 2005, which means it had a shorter shelf life than most of his sock collection (and by "sock collection," I mean "collection of threads that he wraps around his feet").
The second was that I lost to your grandmother at Scrabble.
She may seem like a sweet lady, children, but don't believe for a second that she's not a "strategic" player, no matter how convincingly she lures you into a feeling of security. The woman played "booze" on a triple word score, for crying out loud. She means business.

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