Friday, August 3, 2012

Mama Got the Stink-Eye.

You may imagine that the life of a blogger whose target audience exists only in the future is all glamor and launch parties. In fact, children, it's somewhat less exotic. And the act of blogging itself is not all caviar brunches and eating pudding from golden spoons*. In fact, because it requires staring at a computer screen for hours on end, sometimes even the most lauded bloggers get what's called the Stink-Eye.

It got me real bad, children. Real bad.

Luckily, I have a wealth of homeopathic remedies at my disposal. I will begin with a warm salt-water rinse and if that doesn't work, I'll sip ginger infusions and rest with cucumbers over my eyes until the stink eye is banished.

*I don't think I have an accurate idea of what the rich and famous actually do.

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