Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Truth about Coffee.

Now that we're settling into our new apartment, children, I decided it was time to buy a coffee pot. Ours broke during our last few weeks in Carbondale, and it seemed silly to replace it before the big move. So I ventured out into the world and came home with this little beauty.

It is fittingly called a "Chefmate." As someone who considers herself a chef (or at least a cook (or at least a cooker)), it's nice to feel as if I have a "mate" around to pick up the slack and take care of all the chores I don't feel like doing. Although I must say, if the kitchen appliances mutiny, I can definitely see this guy being the one to toss me overboard.

Fortuitously, I recently had another revelation about coffee that was made possible only by the grace of technology and the genius of Mark Zuckerberg. You see, despite living with my mother (your grandmother) for years and observing her carefully every morning, I never quite knew how she felt about coffee.

Until now.
Turns out she's "interested."

Thank you, Facebook. The mystery is over.

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