Monday, February 27, 2012

D: The Most Beautiful Vitamin?

Not long ago, your grandmother Laurie (who is a doctor, of course), recommended that I start taking some vitamin D supplements. That's the latest craze in health right now, kids, which will probably sound quaint and old-timey when you read this, but what can I do.

Naturally, I have taken her advice. And isn't D a beautiful specimen? Doesn't it look like liquid gold?
Wait a moment... is that liquid gold spread out over the menu for New Kahala, the Chinese food restaurant?

And is that your mother, ordering herself dinner at (gasp!) 4:03 in the afternoon?!

Yes, children. I regret to say that everything you deduced from these photographs is true. You see, your father was in Tulsa this weekend and come Friday, I didn't care what I did anymore. Which led to me admiring my supplements and ordering greasy takeout food at a time when most people are still reasonably full from lunch (except the dignified English, who are taking their tea).

But ask me this: Do I have any regrets? No. I have no regrets.

(Note: You may be thinking that eating greasy Chinese takeout "cancels out" taking vitamins of any kind. Finely observed, children. I see I have trained you well.)

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