Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Neighbors Are Listening to "Rocketman." And That's an Improvement.

Children, be glad we no longer live where the past versions of your father and I who wrote this blog lived. This weekend was some epic drinking event for the undergrads at the university here in Carbondale. And because we share walls with our neighbors, who happen to be undergrads,* we got generously invited to share in this experience. By way of their gratuitously loud music. Which made our walls shake until roughly 3 in the morning.

Unfortunately, this photo doesn't capture the sound (how quaint, you must be thinking). But you can see by your father's expression roughly what he thinks about our neighbors' manners.

As you know, if those young men next door had been you, they would have gotten quite the stern talking-to.

*They are in their eighth year of study.

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