You know that one plant everyone loves but many people are reluctant to buy because of the dangers involved? Well take a word of advice from your loving mother: grow your own! I am, of course, talking about lentil sprouts.

As we all know, store-bought sprouts are often subject to salmonella and Jah knows what other kinds of chemicals and diseases. To avoid such unpleasantness in your home-grown sprouts, be sure to soak the lentils in chamomile water overnight before growing.

Then plop those babies in one of the mason jars you've saved because you know how useful they are and can't bear to throw them away, no matter how much grief John gives you. Cover the top with cheesecloth and put those babies in the windowsill to engage in the beautiful and inspiring process known as photosynthesis.

Change the water every day, and after about a week...ta-da! Beaucoup sprouts for your sandwiches this week!

P.S. That second sprout-jar? Didn't take. I tried to grow pepper-seed sprouts, but no dice. Perhaps in the future, when you read this, I will be wiser on the subject.
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