Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Encroaching Clutter.

I have never won any awards for neatness, and if any of you do, children, it will be by sheer genetic fluke. Lately, though, I've noticed that the clutter around the house has been evolving, as if of its own accord.

It starts on my desk, which seems normal enough. Messy desks are par for the course for "creative" types. (Right?)

But then it hit the kitchen table, which seems like a slippery slope.

And then it hit the extra desk we keep in the kitchen, which itself is a form of clutter, as we didn't really need another desk, but the former tenant left it here, and it was a surface on which we could place things, so...

It has now found its way onto the coffee maker counter, and I don't think there's any chance it will stop spreading in the near future. I have surrendered to it, and assume that one day I will be washed out the front door on a wave of my own clutter. And that's how I'll know it's time to move.

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