Thursday, April 12, 2012

How to Beat the Corporations at Their Own Game.

Children. In case your father and I are dead and you are forced to live on your own without telling any adults about your predicament, rather than risk being separated in the state's foster care system, I have some important advice for you.

When washing the clothes, please note that the corporations that make laundry detergent try to trick you into using far more than you need for a single load by making caps much larger than a "single serving" of detergent.

Proof: this diagram included (in a very out-of-the-way place) on the back of a detergent bottle.

So save yourselves some serious money. Only use a fraction of the detergent, and get your clothes just as clean.

Another way to feel as if you are beating corporations at their own game is to put on pajamas and drink a beer in the middle of the afternoon, while rereading a favorite novel, even though you feel as if you should read one of the thousands of great novels that you haven't yet read.

I don't know if this has any actual effect on the corporations, but I'll let you know as more research becomes available.

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