Monday, April 9, 2012

Warmy-Coldy / Coldy-Warmy.

One of our favorite around-the-house games to play, children (as you may already know), is Warmy-Coldy / Coldy-Warmy. This game is intended for any of four situations:
  1. A player is cold and wishes to become warm (Coldy-Warmy, Warmy-Coldy);
  2. A player is warm and wishes to become cold (Warmy-Coldy, Coldy-Warmy);
  3. A player is inexplicably both warm and cold at the same time, for example, her toes are cold while the rest of her is warm (Warmy-Warmy, Coldy-Coldy); or
  4. A player is too sleepy (or drunk) to clearly articulate what's going on, but it definitely has something to do with temperature.

Throughout our marriage, we have had occasion to play Warmy-Coldy / Coldy-Warmy, most notably when we find ourselves only partially covered by an exceedingly warm sleeping bag...

... when we don't feel like forking over any more money than is absolutely necessary to the heating company...

... and when we find ourselves on a stunning beach in the middle of winter.

You will be relieved to know, children, that I am not naked in any of these pictures, but in one of them, I am wearing a nightgown that is entirely concealed by the sleeping bag.

Of course, your father contends that the only thermometer a "real man" needs is a container of water, because for "real men," there are only two temperatures: below freezing and mesh jersey weather. Is it weird that I already miss winter?

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