Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Being Fancy.

Children, you know by now that your father and I are many things, but one thing we are certainly not is fancy. However, from time to time, both of us like to "play against type," as it were, and act a bit fancy just to get it out of our system.

This week, your father went all out. First, he insisted that we visit a local winery, and when we got there, he donned one of the fanciest disguises of all: the finger mustache.

After a leisurely session of drinking wine in an extremely fancy multi-layer outdoor deck (in a shirt so fancy it has buttons on it), he frolicked among the grapevines to demonstrate just how at ease he is with fanciness.

I would be lying if I said I wish you could have been there, children, because if you had, I would have had to take care of you instead of drinking delicious wine. But I am glad you have this blog post to cherish for all of eternity.

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