Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Roommate Troubles.

So everything was going great with Maisie, our new roommate. For the first week or so, she mostly stayed out of our way and we stayed out of hers--and when we did hang out, it was really chill. You know, she'd scoot up the wall and I'd just kind of keep typing, and then eventually she'd scoot somewhere out of sight and I'd be sure to check my shoes before putting my feet in them.

But then she started inviting some shady friends over. For example, this guy.

And another guy I found in a teacup but whom I didn't have a chance to photograph.

Let's just put it this way. Maisie, if you're reading this (from the internet connection for which you HAVE NOT YET PAID), consider yourself on roommate probation until further notice. For serious.

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