Monday, May 7, 2012

Care of Magical Creatures.

As you know, children, I am a fervent proponent of tricking yourself into doing things that are less than pleasant but must nonetheless be done. This weekend, I devised a clever way to take more pleasure out of vacuuming the house.

All I had to do was trick myself into believing that our vacuum cleaner was a magical creature named Hortensia who lives in the front closet and enjoys eating the dirt accumulated on human carpets. She's a very low-maintenance magical creature, and only needs to eat once a week (or so) to survive, but she does require some attention, as I realized this weekend when I noticed something was not right with her midsection.

It turns out she needed a stomach transplant--good thing I bothered to check! It was touch and go for a while, but she pulled through in the end. 

Style 7 stomachs, which suit most vacuums named Hortensia.

The operation.

You can probably imagine how relieved I was once the operation was over and Hortensia was back to her old self. See you next week, Horty!

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