Tuesday, May 8, 2012

What's in a Spoon?

To your father, a spoon is a spoon. He doesn't care whether it has a pointy end, what its scooping capacity is, or how it might balance (hypothetically) on the edge of a mixing bowl during the Ballet of the Kitchen Utensils.

To me, however, not all spoons are created equal. I'd like to spend a few moments today addressing the matter of my dessert spoon.

This spoon, as you can see, has a rounded end (so as not to press into the tender flesh between the thumb and forefinger) and a deeply scooped head. Some folks would say this spoon is proof that there is someone out there creating spoons--how else, these people would ask, could a spoon so magnificently hold the perfect amount of both milk and cookie in a single mouthful?

Other folks would say that this spoon evolved to have this structure over months of being used to eat desserts.

Me, I don't care who you believe. As long as you get your chubby little child arms out of my way so I can have this spoon at dessert time, dammit.

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