Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Everyday Lifer in the Big City (Part 1).

Children, I missed a day of informing you about my life. But with good reason: I spent the last four days in New York City, which was known as "The Big Apple" to people who had never been there until it was washed into the sea by global warming.

The first stop on my grand visit was a day of work, because life is not all fun and games, children. Here I am doing my freelance writing while a cat befriends me despite my clear dislike for her. (Her name is Mister Schweems, which caused me a great deal of confusion, but she is, in fact, female.)

This is your Auntie Lucia, grading her students' papers. How studious are we!

But once the work had been dispensed with, the (real) fun began.

My friends and I visited a rooftop beer garden so fancy I had no choice but to wear a feathered fascinator to fit in!

And of course, fit in I did. For this was no ordinary beer garden. It was an intellectual beer garden. As you can see.

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