Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A Frustratingly Small Amount of Salsa.

Children, I have a question for you. If you were making yourself dinner and you used salsa, and after you poured as much as you wanted on your burrito, there was .00001 ounces left in the jar, would you a) be a man and pour the rest of the salsa on your burrito, then rinse the jar and put it in the recycling bin, or b) put the jar back in the refrigerator for the next guy to finish and rinse (including getting the crusty bits off the rim, which might require using the fingers or a sponge)?

If you answered a), congratulations. You are a reasonable person, and undoubtedly a delight to live with.
If you answered b), you clearly have inherited an awful lot of genes from your (ahem) taller parent.

And if you did answer b), children, I want you to know that I am very, very disappointed.

 (Shakes head.)

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