Monday, July 9, 2012

Everyday Lifer Goes to the Beach!

Children, I skipped last week. Why? Because I was on a beach vacation the likes of which you can only imagine (mostly owing to the fact that you did not yet exist at the time the vacation took place). I know "live tweeting" and "live blogging" are de rigeur at this point in time, but I'll be gosh-darned if I ever adhere to rigid blogging guidelines while on vacation. So here's a full report, with a scandalous, very un-digital-age, one-week delay.

The first night of our beach vacation was pretty much what you'd expect.

Lucia and Marissa shared wine and posed in what they thought were candid, "Everyday Lifer"-friendly positions. Even though I am severely opposed to posing on this blog, I let this incident slide, in honor of the fact that it's a vacation edition.

Then Auntie Kristin documented the events of the day with magic marker in our vacation sketch book, per standard vacation custom. I guess you could call that book the original Everyday Life: Vacation Edition blog.

And finally, your grandmother did her youth-promoting, flab-reducing arm exercises, which consist of holding her arms out at shoulder height between glasses of wine.

Oh, and how could I forget: immediately upon arriving at the beach, we rushed to the store to buy three dozen bananas. Because, you know, we're all pretty much batshit crazy. Sorry about passing that on to you, by the way.

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