Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Beach Vacation: Reenacting Movies.

Growing up in the 1980s and 1990s, your father and I (and your aunties and uncles and fake aunties and uncles who are just are friends but whom we make you call "auntie" and "uncle" to reinforce the closeness of our relationship to them) enjoyed our fair share of movies made by the Walt Disney company.

So on our vacations, we like to reenact them.

Here's me presenting the part of Beauty and the Beast that goes, "Maurice! The baguettes! Hurry up!"

And here's your Auntie Lucia (not a real auntie) reenacting Jasmine and Aladdin's magic carpet ride (sans Aladdin, obvi.com/duh).

Oh and here's your Auntie Danielle (real auntie) attempting to portray Sebastian from The Little Mermaid. I know the obvious choice for a beach vacation would be to portray, say, Ariel, who splashed elegantly through the ocean waves, but Auntie Danielle is always up for a challenge. Especially if it might improve her upper-arm definition (not that she needs it!).

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