Monday, July 30, 2012

The Big Questions.

Sometimes, when a person maintains a blog about the most mundane parts of her life, she loses sight of the bigger questions. This is why it's a good idea to shake up your routine now and then, children: hang out with other humans. Try a new type of lettuce*. 

This weekend, I ventured out of my comfort zone, and I found myself face to face with one of those eternal questions that have kept humans tossing and turning for centuries: will a seat belt keep a caged cat safer?
While I can't answer that question definitively, I can tell you that this particular cat didn't die during the course of this particular car ride. Oh, and the ketchup we purchased on the same trip?
It ended up in a crusty stain all over my dress. Which is why we can't have nice things.

*After years of buying green leaf, I decided to give red leaf a whirl--and boy was I blown away! It's leagues better--and not a penny more expensive! I just wish past Brenna had known sooner.

1 comment:

  1. The biggest question: WHY IS THERE A CAT? Brenna, have you chaaanged?
