You have probably noticed, from living in my house your entire lives, that I love colors. I can't help it. And what I really love is a bunch of bright colors all together, like people of varying political beliefs allowing those beliefs to complement and enrich each other rather than people of varying political beliefs attempting to ridicule and cudgel each other.
So, for your aesthetic enjoyment, here are some of the many ordinary objects in our pre-you house that happen to be delightfully bright and colorful.

My (slightly gimpy) rain-detractor.

Socks for
any occasion.

My feathery fascinator (don't tell the vegans!).

The decorative apron hanging from our kitchen wall.

The decorative scarves hanging from our living room wall.

The poster celebrating National Poetry Month (just one month away!!).

The quilt I made of old tee-shirts after reading the
Little House series for the eight-thousandth time.
Oh children--perhaps your father or I are infertile and unable to have you and so you are adopted and thus of
many fine colors! How honored I would be to have a magical rainbow of a family*!
Alas--only time will tell. I look forward to meeting you, future humans**.
*Open-minded or racist? Vote in the comments.**To be fair to humans, it's possible that I will be deemed unsuitable to raise them and so will become the allergy-ridden version of a cat lady, which is to say I'll become a plant lady. With a focus on edible herb plants.